Important Announcement from Wolf Creek Local Schools
Yesterday, Governor Mike DeWine took safety precautions in regards to preventing the spread of COVID-19 (Coronavirus). Outlined here is important related information regarding the school.
Wolf Creek Local Schools continue to operate as normal. We are regularly disinfecting our buses and school buildings, as we always should during all flu season. We are emphasizing to our students’ proper handwashing, coughing, and sneezing procedures. If your child has a severely compromised immune system, please contact the school nurse.
If your child is sick with a fever or other health issues, your child should not return to school until at least 24 hours of being symptom-free (without the use of medication).
When attending evening school-related events, please take advantage of available hand sanitizer. Please do not attend large public events if you are sick or have a compromised immune system.
Wolf Creek Local has a school closing plan that includes the use of online learning and blizzard bags on school closing days #6, #7, and #8. Our plan includes a schedule of make-up days that are marked on our school calendar. In extreme school closing cases, our administration may work with our Board of Education to make adjustments.
Perfect Attendance Awards will not be effected for students who choose to stay home due to this illness.
Some additional strategies to assist all in remaining healthy:
Increase/encourage handwashing with soap and water (min. 20 seconds) if available at least: before eating, after using the restroom, after coughing or sneezing/using a tissue,
And before touching your eyes, nose or mouth (MORE OFTEN if possible)
Encourage the vampire cough or sneeze: burying the nose and mouth in your bent elbow/sleeve.
Use of hand sanitizer if soap and water is not possible
Reduce shaking hands
Sanitize items routinely touched by others (doorknobs, desks, chair seats, and backs, etc.)
Stay out of each other's faces (3 feet of suggested space)
Protect anyone with chronic illnesses and the elderly, by reducing exposure to crowds and others as much as possible (kids visit grandparents by phone, deliver groceries to them)
Contact your physician if you feel symptoms in your chest (shortness of breath, dry cough)
If you have further questions or concerns, please contact the building administrators or the school nurse.